Browse Items (137 total)
An article about the work being done on the 5th, 6th, and 7th floors. Director Sparks announced a new assembly hall on six, where the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra would rehearse, having previously rehearsed in a room on the 3rd floor. The 7th floor…
An article about the Anderson Clayton Company vacating its rooms on the 6th and 7th floors. Director Sparks commented that plans include new music and art studios.
An article about the bowling alleys, which had been our of use while the recreation area was used for storage. Director Sparks commented that the need for classrooms might require removing the lanes, possibly moved to the Indian Creek Lodge.
New music department rooms constructed on the 6th floor were built from soundproof concrete blocks, but designed to be easily removed if needed. School carpenters built special soundproof doors for the practice rooms. Building Superintendent C. J.…
Pages 1 & 4: New liberal arts courses, including drama and music, planned for fall of 1948, to be held on the 6th floor where the bowling alley was located or on the roof (meaning 7th floor?)Page 1: New neon sign for Atlanta Division was placed…
Brief article about work on the rooftop activities space on the Ivy Street Building
A cartoon with the pillars of the Ivy Street Building
An article about new classrooms being constructed in the space vacated by the Railway Express Agency. Two classrooms on the third floor were in use by this date while the other six were still being completed.
Page 1: an article about Director Sparks's plans to build a "campus in the sky" on the rooftop of the Ivy Street Building. A waterproof floor material would be added to the roof to provide a surface for dancing, a section of sand for sunbathing, and…
An article about City Building Code violations charged to the school, detailing infractions related to the slope of the ramps and fire safety. The wooden partitions added during the conversion of the Ivy Street Building were being replaced with…
Page 1: an article about the American Railway Express Agency vacating its offices on the 2nd and 3rd floors to make space for 12 new classrooms. The agency agreed to move out by December 1, 1947.Page 3: an article about surplus materials used in the…
Page 1: article about the 12-year mortgage for the Ivy Street Building being paid in full in 10 months. Rentals and income from facilities, including the cafeteria, parking lots, snack shops, and barber shop, allowed Director Sparks to pay the loans…
Page 1: an article about the new bowling alleys on the 6th floor that are ready for use, at the rate of 20 cents per frame before 6pm and 25 cents per frame after 6pm.Page 2: a humorous article for new students mentions the $5,000 bowling alleys, the…
Article about the new pair of bowling alleys installed on the 6th floor. It also mentions the Construction Division of the USG, which is located on the 5th floor.

Pages from GSUS1946-09-24-1.JPG
Page 1: an article about new agencies moving into the Ivy Street Building, including the Agricultural Committee and Engineers' office of the State Board of Regents, the Georgia Press Association, and the Georgia Public Forums.Page 3: an article by…
Page 4: Photograph of the entrance to the Ivy Street Building and a caption about the enrollment numbersAdvertisement for Mrs. Hill's Sandwiches, served in the refectory

Pages from GSUS1945-10-11_Page_1.jpg
Description of the newly purchased building and a photograph of a student Jewel Abt on the rooftop overlooking Hurt Park and the City Auditorium.
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