Browse Items (468 total)
Page 1: an article about the new bowling alleys on the 6th floor that are ready for use, at the rate of 20 cents per frame before 6pm and 25 cents per frame after 6pm.Page 2: a humorous article for new students mentions the $5,000 bowling alleys, the…
Article about the new pair of bowling alleys installed on the 6th floor. It also mentions the Construction Division of the USG, which is located on the 5th floor.

Pages from GSUS1946-09-24-1.JPG
Page 1: an article about new agencies moving into the Ivy Street Building, including the Agricultural Committee and Engineers' office of the State Board of Regents, the Georgia Press Association, and the Georgia Public Forums.Page 3: an article by…
Page 4: Photograph of the entrance to the Ivy Street Building and a caption about the enrollment numbersAdvertisement for Mrs. Hill's Sandwiches, served in the refectory

Pages from GSUS1945-10-11_Page_1.jpg
Description of the newly purchased building and a photograph of a student Jewel Abt on the rooftop overlooking Hurt Park and the City Auditorium.
Plans to abandon Ivy St building

Robbery of Ivy Street staff by two armed men

Article about restrooms for transgender students includes photograph of the only gender-neutral bathroom on campus, on the first floor of Kell Hall

Pages from GSUS2015-10-06.JPG
Article about Kell Hall demolition

Pages from GSUS2014-11-11.JPG
Article about lack of technology in Kell Hall classrooms

Pages from GSUS2014-10-14.jpg
Article about lack of accessibility, particularly in Kell Hall
Article about SGA elections mentioning Kell Hall demolition plans
Lead story about Kell Hall Demolition
Editorial about Kell Hall demolition
Article and map about the plans for Kell and Sparks Halls, providing a synopsis of the plan and issues
Photograph of renovations to the refectory in Kell Hall
Page 1: an article about a theft from the post office in Kell Hall, with photographPage 8: a full-page article about the geography department in Kell Hall, with photographs
Full-page article about the workers applying stucco to Kell Hall, with photographs
Full-page article about Kell Hall history with photographs
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