Browse Items (468 total)
Photograph of students hesitating before entering Kell Hall because of a sign on the door "Authorized Personnel Only"
Photograph of pigeons kept by the Psychology Department on the roof of Kell Hall
Photograph of renovations to the refectory in Kell Hall
Page 1: an article about a theft from the post office in Kell Hall, with photographPage 8: a full-page article about the geography department in Kell Hall, with photographs
Full-page article about the workers applying stucco to Kell Hall, with photographs
Full-page article about Kell Hall history with photographs
Article about the wall of Kell Hall facing the Library Plaza getting renovated with concrete stucco and replacement windows.
Two-page spread with an orthagonal view of campus buildings, including Kell Hall, with directory that lists: Respiratory Therapy Refectory Post Office ID Validation Physical Therapy Biology Geology Physics Psychology Medical…
Photographs and article about the new medical technology program at GSU, located on the 1st floor of Kell Hall
Photograph and article about a typing contest held in Kell Hall Room 224
Photograph of the "cold, gray walls" of Kell Hall during winter
Photograph of students dropping eggs from the 4th floor of Kell Hall onto Ivy Street in a simulation of lunar landings
Photograph of astronomy students on the roof of Kell Hall to view the partial eclipse
An article about plans to build a new Science Center, which would allow science departments and labs to move out of Kell Hall.
An article about a student's effort to hold a painting part to help renew Kell Hall.
Photograph of a Kell Hall window in disrepair; the caption suggests this belies the SGA's efforts to beautify the building
A new entrance connecting Kell Hall with the Classroom Building Plaza
Photograph of vending machines in the refectory in Kell Hall with wooden shingles overtop

Pages from GSUS1969-11-20.JPG
Page 8: The Blue Key Book Exchange is relocated from Kell Hall refectory to the new game room on 2nd floor Student Activities Building.Page 9: the music and arts departments are relocated from their homes on the 6th floor of Kell Hall to the new Fine…
Page 5: students in the Anthropology Club compete against UGA in a primative weapons competition, including blowgun, spear, bow, atlatl, and boomerang. Interested students told to apply at the Archaeology Lab on the 3rd floor of Kell Hall.Page 9: a…
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