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Page 2: cartoon about military navigation students being lost in the Ivy Street Building.Also, an article about renovations to the Georgia State Signal office on the 1st floor of the Ivy Street Building.Page 3: an article about a course in Radio…
An article about the Senior Class purchasing the memorial plaque for the renaming of the Ivy Street Building to Kell Science Hall in honor of Wayne S. Kell. The plaque cost $168 and was made by East Point Foundry.
Two pages of this issue are dedicated to the history of Kell Hall, excerpted from an article titled "CONVERTING: Garage into College" in College and University Business, 1948, by Loula N. Cantrell
Student opinion letter about the Kell Hall Starbucks, complaining about the sudden lack of Coke machines in the university

A GSU student turns pottery on a wheel in a room that is likely Kell Hall.

Chemistry committee meeting in a lab in room 698 on the 6th floor of Kell Hall. In the picture, left to right, are: Dr. Harry P. Hopkins, Jr. Dr. Hugh J. Bronaugh Dr. William G. Trawick, Department Head Unidentified

Dr. Ahmed Abdelal, Department Head of Biology, in KH435


A handful of students study and eat in the refectory on the lower 1st floor of Kell Hall.


Students gather in the refectory on the lower 1st floor of Kell Hall


Pages from GSUS1946-10-23.JPG
Page 3 has a brief article about the newly opened barber shop on the first floor of the Ivy Street Building.

Pages from GSUS1946-11-06.JPG
Page 4 has an advertisement for the University Center Barber Shop run by Frank Sparti, a Junior College student

Pages from GSUS1960-05-13.jpg
Page 4 has an article about the Georgia State Players' production of "Light Up the Sky" in the Little Theatre on the 6th floor of the Ivy Street Building.

Pages from GSUS1965-02-11.jpg
Page 5 has an article about a new Differential Scanning Calorimeter in the chemistry department.
Advertisement for Subversions in the refectory in Kell Hall
Article about ruptured sprinkler system causing a flood in Kell Hall
Advertisement and coupon for Subversions
Advertisement for physical therapy open house in Room 712, Kell Hall
Advertisement for Subversions in the refectory in Kell Hall
Advertisement for physical therapy open house in Room 714, Kell Hall
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