History of the school; drawing of the Ivy Street building; photos of labs, refectory, bowling alley, offices, lobby, and main entrance; descriptions of 1948 buildings; refectory advertisement;
Cover of book with "24 Ivy St." embossed; history of the school; description of facilities; sketches of main entrance; photos of exterior of Ivy Street building, lobby, Hurt Cafeteria, and classrooms; Hurt Cafeteria advertisement
Four page article about different facilities that housed the school; photos of the exterior of the Ivy Street building, ramps, and biology and chemistry labs
Cover of yearbooks includes Kell Hall; 13-page history of the school with photos; a brief article about Kell renovations; photos of renovations to the refectory and exterior; witty article about the refectory
Article about a new electron microscope in 484 Kell Hall biology lab for Dr. Smithwick; brief description of how the Rampway yearbook got its name; photos of chemistry and biology labs
Article about moving science departments to the new science building, leaving Kell open to renovation and repurposing; photo of the Ivy Street building; photo of students on the Library plaza with Kell Hall in the background