Browse Items (25 total)
Article about refectory renovations; photos of exterior of Kell Hall, renovations, refectory, hallway on the fifth floor, and two clubs in an anthropology lab
Photos of chemistry, anthropology, and biology labs, and the exterior of Kell Hall

Article about a new electron microscope in 484 Kell Hall biology lab for Dr. Smithwick; brief description of how the Rampway yearbook got its name; photos of chemistry and biology labs

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Article about athletes coming to Kell Hall labs for cardiopulmonary tests and training; photos of biology department in a biology lab, a biology student with a crayfish, the chemistry club in a lab, and the Rampway staff sitting on the ramp…
Brief article about athletes doing cardiopulmonary training in Kell Hall; photos of students and faculty in laboratories, and student in JD's Cafe

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